Flying drones responsibly
The UK's skies are some of the busiest anywhere in the world. There’s always a lot going on, especially with all the planes that fly in and out of the country.
It’s against the law to fly a drone within 5km of any UK airport. You must not fly a drone within 400ft above an airport, approximately 120m. This law has been put in place to protect you and others. It's important that we all follow it.
When you fly a drone it’s your responsibility to be aware of the rules that are in place. This will allow you to ensure that everyone stays safe. It’s a criminal act to break what is classed as a no-fly zone, as lives can be put at risk and you could be prosecuted.
To find out more about flying drones:

If you fly a drone, you must register as an operator with the CAA. It is against the law to fly a drone or model aircraft without having the required IDs. Don't let yourself be caught out!
You must have permission to fly a drone within the 5km flight-restricted zone. If you fly a drone in this area without permission, you could face criminal charges.
Drone Assist UK was designed by NATS. This is the UK’s main air traffic control provider. This app contains all of the information you need to know about flying a drone in the UK, all from a trusted source.