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Keep up-to-date with our community e-newsletter
Gatwick in Touch
Our newsletter, Gatwick in Touch, covers all things related to our community. Get your copy of our regular community newsletter straight into your inbox. Keep your eyes peeled for it once you have signed up to make sure you don't miss any updates.
We cover all things from local events to nature watch to travel information and lots more! It is your guide to everything happening in and around the airport.
We promise to use your data only in accordance with your preferences and never to share them with third parties. You can withdraw your consent at any time. For more information view our Privacy Policy
Through our community investment programme we play an active role in our local economy. This allows us to support causes that matter most to local people.
We’re working hard towards being the UK's most sustainable airport. We’ve set ourselves big goals, which include reaching net zero before 2040.
Our sustainability.
Are you looking to advertise, lease an office or set up a shop at Gatwick? Find out all you need to know about doing business with us. We're here to help.