London Gatwick brand flow line over dark blue background London Gatwick brand flow line over dark blue background

Airport Economic Zone (AEZ)

Stimulating sustainable economic growth in the region surrounding London Gatwick

A Gatwick Region Airport Economic Zone

Gatwick region AEZ logo

AEZ FAQs and timeline
Taskforce members
Sustained economic development for the entire region

Global companies and investors are unlikely to have an in-depth knowledge of the UK and its economy beyond London. An AEZ is a way to resolve this, by shaping a brand identity and providing support for the region to gain international recognition and promote inward investment.

Despite being one of the most economically successful regions in the UK, recent government statistics show that the region has been performing below other regions in terms of attracting foreign direct investment. To compete on a national and international stage for investment and talent, our region needs a unified voice, able to clearly define and articulate the region's identity, attributes and assets.

AEZ Taskforce


The Gatwick Region AEZ will primarily cover West Sussex, East Sussex, Brighton & Hove, Surrey, Croydon, and Kent. However, its boundaries will remain flexible, enabling the AEZ to adapt and capitalise on economic growth in neighbouring areas.


The establishment of the Gatwick Region AEZ underscores the region's commitment to the devolution agenda. It highlights the strength of the existing public-private sector collaboration and amplifies a unified 'one regional voice' to the government, highlighting the importance of the region and driving forward the area's economic ambitions.


The Gatwick Region AEZ will officially launch at the UK Real Estate and Infrastructure Conference (UKREiiF) in Leeds this May. Featuring a dedicated exhibition space and a robust programme of activities, the launch will showcase the new brand that had been approved by the taskforce. This initiative is funded by London Gatwick in association with Gatwick Diamond Initiative, and in partnership with a broad coalition of regional stakeholders.

Stakeholder Engagement

To ensure comprehensive engagement with key stakeholders, the AEZ will host roundtable discussions in early February. The first will focus on education providers from across the region, while the second will involve district and borough representatives, fostering collaboration and shared priorities.

Our impact on local economy

London Gatwick is already a major catalyst for growth, contributing 76,500 jobs and £5.5 billion to the UK economy every year. The AEZ aims to build on this regionally, by unlocking new trade, tourism, and benefits for business, and attracting global investment for the region.

Northern Runway Plans

London Gatwick is awaiting a government decision on a £2.2 billion investment plan to bring its existing standby Northern Runway into routine use, which if approved will create a further 14,000 jobs and generate £1 billion in economic benefits every year. These plans include an Employment, Skills, and Business Strategy, supported by a £20 million fund, which would provide a further funding boost for the AEZ.

Graphic demonstrating Gatwick's existing Main Runway and the existing Northern Runway