Ensuring a safe airport
Our Aerodrome team ensures the safety of aircraft taking off, landing, or flying around the airport.
Their work includes planning for adverse weather and giving guidance to teams working on the airfield. They also work with our local community to review projects that could impact the safe operation of flights.
We're committed to safely and effectively running our aerodrome. Our manual contains all the relevant policies and procedures. Everyone at the airport has their part to play.
We share important information and guidance through airport directives (GADs) on behalf of our chief executive officer. These are shared with all the companies that operate at the airport.
If you have any questions about airport directives or want to be added to or removed from the distribution list, email airport.notices@gatwickairport.com.
All airport employers must ensure that relevant airport directives are brought to their staff's attention. However, you are responsible for your own actions. If in doubt, please speak to your supervisor or manager.
Our briefing about our Air Traffic Control operations is designed to aid pilots. It is extra information and does not replace the UK Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
In the case of a contradiction between this document and the AIP, you should always follow the AIP.
We have a contingency plan for adverse weather. This covers the runways, taxiways, aprons, roads passenger walkways, grass areas and stands. The plan aims to ensure we can continue to operate, even during disruptive weather.
Our maps are available to use on your mobile phone, tablet or desktop.
We aim to improve the safety and environmental performance of all organisations operating on the airfield. To achieve this, processes are in place to assist companies already operating on the airfield by controlling the number of vehicles permitted on the airfield. All organisations who wish to operate vehicles airside must be in possession of a valid Airside Operators Licence (AOL) or a Ground Handling Licence (GHL) issued by GAL before starting operations on the airfield.
Apply for an Airside Operators or Ground Handling Licence here.
You'll need to apply for a permit if you plan to operate a crane or tall construction equipment within 6km of the airport. The exception to this is if the crane/equipment is under 10m high or is shielded on all sides by trees or structures that are taller.
Using a drone above 400ft (approx. 120m) or within 5km of any UK airport - not just London Gatwick - is restricted. Find out more about flying a drone safely and applying for a permit to fly in a restricted area.
We work with local authorities to ensure that our aerodrome is safe for aircraft that are taking off, landing, or flying in the area.